Event Report
Classic Heirloom 9.63
30 May 2015
Classic Heirloom · 17 Players
17 Decks
3 rounds Swiss
Top 8 playoff
Hosted by  ML_Berlin
Event Report
Season Leaderboard
 holica A/Z
1st Deck Colors A/Z by  holica
2nd Deck Colors Die Eier Von Satan by  arcaniathe
T4 Deck Colors blabla by  gonz
T4 Deck Colors UW Unclassified by  ML_Berlin
T8 Deck Colors Infectulator by  BoozeElemental
T8 Deck Colors Hexproof by  EWDias
T8 Deck Colors Rise of Ooze by  Golden_Lin
T8 Deck Colors BRW Aggro-Control by  Lordpipas
Metagame Stats
53% 18% 65% 41% 47%

Metagame Breakdown
  4 Players
  holica 6-0A/Z Control
  ML_Berlin 3-2UW Unclassified Unclassified
 AmericanGaren 1-2Azor's Roughnecks Aggro
 rremedio1 1-1UW Midrange
  3 Players
  Golden_Lin 2-2Rise of Ooze Combo
 Deonmag 1-2Classic UB heir MF 8 Combo
 ScionOfJustice 1-2Oozing out my Vagina Combo
  2 Players
  gonz 3-2blabla Unclassified
 Generalissimo 0-3Goblins Must Die Aggro-Control
  1 Players
 JogandoPelado 1-1cheap burn Aggro-Combo
  1 Players
 Lickitung 1-1Faeries Unclassified
  1 Players
  arcaniathe 5-1Die Eier Von Satan Ramp
  1 Players
  EWDias 2-2Hexproof Aggro-Combo
  1 Players
 Word_of_Command 0-2Reanimator Aggro
  1 Players
  BoozeElemental 2-2Infectulator Aggro
  1 Players
  Lordpipas 2-2BRW Aggro-Control Aggro-Control
  1 Players
 Garlan 1-2The fiends Aggro-Combo

Current Standings

Rank Player Match Points OMW % PGW % OGW % Matches Played Byes
1 arcaniathe 9 0.556 0.857 0.482 6 0
2 holica 9 0.500 0.800 0.521 5 1
3 Lordpipas 6 0.722 0.571 0.675 4 0
4 Golden_Lin 6 0.610 0.500 0.536 4 0
5 ML_Berlin 6 0.554 0.667 0.458 5 0
6 gonz 6 0.500 0.667 0.482 5 0
7 EWDias 6 0.500 0.500 0.521 3 1
8 BoozeElemental 6 0.389 0.625 0.417 4 0
9  Garlan 3 0.722 0.375 0.642 3 0
10  Deonmag 3 0.666 0.375 0.591 3 0
11 AmericanGaren 3 0.583 0.200 0.583 2 1
12 ScionOfJustice 3 0.554 0.375 0.542 3 0
13 rremedio1 3 0.498 0.500 0.438 2 0
14 JogandoPelado 3 0.498 0.500 0.417 2 0
15 Lickitung 3 0.498 0.500 0.386 2 0
16  Generalissimo 0 0.500 0.250 0.458 3 0
17 Word_of_Command 0 0.417 0.333 0.438 2 0

Tiebreakers Explained

Players with the same number of match points are ranked based on three tiebreakers scores according to DCI rules. In order, they are:
OMW % is the average percentage of matches your opponents have won.
PGW % is the percentage of games you have won. /td>
OGW % is the average percentage of games your opponents have won.
BYEs are not included when calculating standings. For example, a player with one BYE, one win, and one loss has a match win percentage of .50 rather than .66
When calculating standings, any opponent with less than a .33 win percentage is calculated as .33