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Ratings current through 2024-05-19 - APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 33.04

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
1576 Fredge 1419 10  - 44
1577 juniorallstarrr 1405 - 30
1578 tp0nt3 1397 32  - 83
1579 SilentJ 1395 33  - 111
1580 djn8 1379 27  - 93
1581 stiltskin88 1361 24  - 94
1582 MoonPieMat 1324 17  - 84
1583 Dr_Jimathy 1313 19  - 103
1584 Darunss 1311 14  - 96
1585 brian1234 1311 49  - 236
1586 germansmurf 1242 12  - 110