Deck Database

PREMODERN SLIGH (deck id: 129460)
60 Maindeck cards and 15 Sideboard
PreModern · Aggro-Control
Played by  AAUE in Pre-Modern Monthly League 12.05 (5-1)
MAINDECK (60 Cards)
16 Creatures
4 Ball Lightning

4 Grim Lavamancer

4 Jackal Pup

4 Mogg Fanatic

24 Spells
4 Fireblast

4 Incinerate

4 Lightning Bolt

4 Seal of Fire

4 Shock

2 Cursed Scroll

2 Sulfuric Vortex

20 Lands
12 Mountain

4 Bloodstained Mire

4 Wooded Foothills

SIDEBOARD (15 Cards)
4 Lava Dart

3 Overload

3 Price of Progress

2 Pyroblast

2 Red Elemental Blast

1 Crash

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