Deck Database

WARPED DEVOTION (deck id: 129468)
60 Maindeck cards and 15 Sideboard
PreModern · Control
Played by  If Only To Be Me in Pre-Modern Monthly League 12.05 (1-4)
MAINDECK (60 Cards)
5 Creatures
4 Hypnotic Specter

1 Shadowmage Infiltrator

31 Spells
4 Chain of Vapor

4 Counterspell

4 Recoil

3 Warped Devotion

2 Boomerang

2 Cabal Therapy

2 Chain of Smog

2 Cursed Scroll

2 Duress

2 Memory Lapse

2 Phyrexian Arena

2 The Rack

24 Lands
9 Swamp

5 Island

4 Tainted Isle

4 Underground River

2 Faerie Conclave

SIDEBOARD (15 Cards)
2 Chill

2 Daze

2 Diabolic Edict

2 Engineered Plague

2 Memory Lapse

2 Tormod's Crypt

1 Cabal Therapy

1 Funeral Charm

1 Library of Leng

R1:  Loss 0 - 2vs.   Koget  GW Life Oath 
R1:  Win 2 - 0vs.   Jorge_Jung  PM - Rec-Sur 
R1:  Loss 0 - 2vs.   MrAlwaysWins  Oath Burn 
R1:  Loss 0 - 2vs.   MrWolf2  Burn 
R1:  Loss 0 - 2vs.   Cobruhhh  Goblins 
Total:  37
  x 12
  x 10
  x 14
Avg CMC: 2.06
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