Deck Database

GOBLINS 12.5 (deck id: 129487)
60 Maindeck cards and 15 Sideboard
PreModern · Aggro
Played by  fayon in Pre-Modern Monthly League 12.05 (3-2)
MAINDECK (60 Cards)
36 Creatures
4 Goblin Lackey

4 Goblin Matron

4 Goblin Piledriver

4 Goblin Ringleader

4 Goblin Warchief

4 Mogg Fanatic

3 Gempalm Incinerator

3 Siege-Gang Commander

2 Goblin Tinkerer

2 Skirk Prospector

1 Goblin King

1 Goblin Sharpshooter

0 Spells
24 Lands
18 Mountain

4 Rishadan Port

2 Ancient Tomb

SIDEBOARD (15 Cards)
3 Blood Moon

3 Nevinyrral's Disk

3 Pyroblast

3 Pyrokinesis

3 Rathi Dragon

R1:  Win 2 - 1vs.   Roland-Deschain  dream halls 
R1:  Win 2 - 0vs.   Kask  LIFE 2.0 
R1:  Loss 0 - 2vs.   mgriffith_001  MonoR Goblins 
R1:  Loss 0 - 2vs.   Albertolor  UW Tempo 
R1:  Win 2 - 1vs.   tel0  BW DEAD GUY 
Total:  36
  x 10
  x 6
  x 13
  x 4
  x 3
Avg CMC: 2.56
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