Deck Database

MONO RED DO AMOR (deck id: 131244)
60 Maindeck cards and 15 Sideboard
Classic Pauper · Unclassified
 Top 8 by  Gabizynn in Pauper Classic Tuesdays 8.11 (2-3)
MAINDECK (60 Cards)
20 Creatures
4 Goblin Blast-Runner

Goblin Blast-Runner

4 Goblin Bushwhacker

Goblin Bushwhacker

4 Goblin Tomb Raider

Goblin Tomb Raider

4 Reckless Lackey

Reckless Lackey

4 Voldaren Epicure

Voldaren Epicure

23 Spells
4 Experimental Synthesizer

Experimental Synthesizer

4 Galvanic Blast

Galvanic Blast

4 Implement of Combustion

Implement of Combustion

4 Kuldotha Rebirth

Kuldotha Rebirth

4 Lightning Bolt

Lightning Bolt

2 Goblin Grenade

Goblin Grenade

1 Fireblast


17 Lands
13 Mountain


4 Great Furnace

Great Furnace

SIDEBOARD (15 Cards)
3 Cast into the Fire

Cast into the Fire

3 End the Festivities

End the Festivities

3 Gorilla Shaman

Gorilla Shaman

3 Smash to Smithereens

Smash to Smithereens

2 Relic of Progenitus

Relic of Progenitus

1 Tormod's Crypt

Tormod's Crypt

R1:  Win 2-1vs.  Matewosk new list same deck
R2:  Loss 1-2vs.  Genilsonkun glee
R3:  Win 2-1vs.  JhowRod1991 BR Burn com fada
R4:  Loss 1-2vs.  VaT69 Deck - Burn V3
T8:  Loss 0-2vs.  unfav.tunico Deck - elfos
Total:  39
  x 42
  x 1
Avg CMC: 1.12
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