Your Deck For Penny Dreadful Mondays 29.04

DIVE KNOT (deck id: 120969)
60 Maindeck cards and 15 Sideboard
Penny Dreadful · Aggro-Combo
 1st by  Fadoodle in Penny Dreadful Mondays 29.04 (5-1)
MAINDECK (60 Cards)
10 Creatures
4 Delver of Secrets

4 Phyrexian Dreadnought

2 Faerie Vandal

32 Spells
4 Disrupting Shoal

4 Gitaxian Probe

4 Ponder

4 Slip Out the Back

3 Mana Leak

2 Defabricate

2 Dive Down

2 Peek

2 Spell Pierce

1 Impulse

1 Sleight of Hand

1 Treasure Cruise

1 Trickbind

1 Vapor Snag

18 Lands
18 Island

SIDEBOARD (15 Cards)
4 Silent Gravestone

2 Cerulean Drake

2 Spell Pierce

2 Steel Sabotage

2 Stern Dismissal

2 Vapor Snag

1 Dive Down

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