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Rating: 1683
Matches Played: 1162
Record: 651-511
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (99%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Saturdays (29%)
Last Active:
(Penny Dreadful Season 36 Kick Off)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time ( Default Time)
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Esper Control 11-1 1st 1st
Steppe Humans 11-2 1st 1st
Nought Again 20-12 1st 2nd t4 t8
Islands 47-34 2nd t4 t4 t4 t8 t8 t8
CRBNK 14-13 2nd t4 t4 t8
Dimir Lands Best Lands 5-1 1st
Book Deck 6-1 1st
Dimir Tendrils 5-1 1st
Bant Control 6-1 1st
fadgiohuigdfiuo 7-0 1st
The Return 5-1 1st
Nougat 6-1 1st
Uhg This Again? 6-0 1st
Vandalnought 5-1 1st
Net Deck Wins 5-5 1st
RDW 5-2 1st
Bono Blue Breadnought 10-7 2nd t4 t4
I at Midrange 17-14 2nd t4 t4
Aggro Combo Control 12-10 2nd t8
We All Die Young 4-2 2nd
Not Dropping Black for Some Reason 6-1 2nd
Boring Dek 4-2 2nd
Fortune Favors the Brave 4-2 2nd
The Terror of S25 5-2 2nd
Bad Deck CLANG 4-2 2nd
Kaya Signets 5-2 2nd
Definitely Playable 4-2 2nd
The World Won't Let Me Go 4-3 2nd
Spyglass Check 3-3 2nd
Unplayable Garbage Featuring Basic Swamp 4-2 2nd
Redemption Arc Interrobang 6-3 2nd
Totally Normal Humans 6-1 2nd
UW is Fine 4-2 2nd
Lorenought 5-2 2nd
Snorezhov 4-2 2nd
Some Humans 4-2 2nd
Still Tuning... 4-2 2nd
Exile My Whole Hand 5-1 2nd
Mill 5-2 2nd
Nadunkin 5-2 2nd
Aggro-Combo-Control 7-4 2nd
Sleeping Accommodation 7-4 t4 t4
WW 7-6 t4 t4
ABFD 10-5 t4 t8
Goodbye, Old Friend 2-2 t4
Oof 3-1 t4
The Flood 2-3 t4
Boomerang Is Time Walk Has Been Declared 2-1 t4
Oath or Whatever 4-1 t4
Trick or Treat 3-2 t4
See You Later 4-1 t4
Don't You Forget About Me 2-1 t4
Wave 2-3 t4
Trying to Reg Fast so Being Lame 3-1 t4
Just Add Water 2-3 t4
Our Memes Shall Not Remain as Dreams 4-2 t4
Too Many Colors 4-2 t4
Relic Barrier 3-2 t4
Basics Gud 3-2 t4
Best Deck Worst Deck 3-2 t4
It's a Scam! 2-2 t4
Hope 4-2 t4
Birds 3-2 t4
Some Kind of Deck Deck 3-2 t4
Rainbow Glitter 3-3 t4
Le Fleuve 4-1 t4
Loremaster 3-1 t4
T 3-2 t4
Containing or Consisting of Iron 4-5 t4
Cherry Blossom 9-5 t4
Kaya Control 10-7 t4
Dimir Poly 2-3 t8
Rainbow Glitter Spirits 2-3 t8
Probably Bad 2-3 t8
The Deck that Stole Christmas 3-2 t8
Archetype Soup 2-3 t8
I Forgot 3-2 t8
No Shot This is Real 3-2 t8
UW 4-1 t8
The Real Best Deck 3-2 t8
PD Brain Rot 3-2 t8
Ding Dong 3-2 t8
Love, Laugh, Live... 2-3 t8
Perhaps it Was Mere Myth All Along 3-2 t8
Nought 4-1 t8
Nought an Option 3-2 t8
Crank Call 5-4 t8
Snooze Patrol 7-6 t8
1st 16
2nd 28
t4 42
t8 24
BirdsAndBees has not earned any trophies.