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Player Profile

Rating: 1667
Matches Played: 944
Record: 478-466
Events Hosted: 56
Favorite Format: Classic Heirloom (48%)
Favorite Series: Classic Heirloom (36%)
Last Active:
(Classic Heirloom 10.93)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time ( Default Time)
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WW 39-13 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t8
Burning Vengeance 17-14 1st 1st 2nd t4 t4
Gruul Aggro 23-12 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4
The Rock 16-9 1st 2nd 2nd t8
Naya Allies 10-9 1st t4 t4
UW Control 16-14 1st t4 t8 t8
2012 19-11 2nd 2nd t4 t8
Mono Black Vampires 7-5 1st t4
Last Crusade 7-4 1st t4
MBC 12-8 2nd 2nd t8
Red Devotion 4-1 1st
Storm Herd 9-7 2nd t4 t4
Living End 10-4 2nd t4 t8
Jund 21-23 2nd t4 t8
Mono Black Aggro 5-3 2nd t4
ZomBGies 8-7 2nd t4
Cruel Control 6-10 2nd t4
Maze's End 6-8 t4 t4 t4
Mannequin Jund 7-5 2nd t8
Junk 12-12 t4 t4 t8
Kuldotha Red 3-1 2nd
Fish 3-1 2nd
LD Red! 3-2 2nd
Mono Red Devotion 3-1 2nd
Architect 3-1 2nd
Mega-Red 2-3 2nd
White Deck Wins 8-2 2nd
Jund Fires 3-2 2nd
Illusions 3-2 2nd
Restore Balance 5-3 2nd
Angelfire Fail 5-4 2nd
Dungrove Green 6-2 2nd
Heartless Summoning 6-3 t4 t4
Naya Blitz 6-2 t4 t4
Warp World 8-4 t4 t4
Tempered Steel 7-5 t4 t4
Squee Rides the Blightning 8-5 t4 t8 t8
Human Reanimator 6-5 t4 t8
Jund Aggro 3-1 t4
Gobos 3-2 t4
BU Control 1-3 t4
Liquimetal Phoenix Wins 2-2 t4
Zippy's Jund 3-2 t4
Ooze Combo 2-2 t4
Orzhov 4-2 t4
Rage Extractor 2-2 t4
Ad Nauseam Combo 2-2 t4
BW Clerics 2-2 t4
UB Control 3-4 t4
America Control 3-3 t4
Knights of the Round 2-7 t4
Devoted to Black 6-7 t4
RU Pyromancer 3-1 t8
Selesnya Aggro 2-2 t8
Boros Madcap 2-2 t8
Cascading Jund 2-2 t8
UR Chimera 1-1 t8
Boros-Blade 2-1 t8
MBZ 0-1 t8
Esper Reanimator Control 3-2 t8
RUG Tron 2-2 t8
Junk Jailbreaker 2-4 t8
Mono Black Infect 3-4 t8
Goblins 4-7 t8
RDW 5-8 t8
1st 13
2nd 32
t4 47
t8 26
One Buck Challenge 1.19 trophy
Friday Night Standard EU 1.26 trophy
Rotating Block Heirloom 11.01 trophy
Classic Heirloom 5.09 trophy
Friday Night Standard EU 1.10 trophy
Standard Heirloom 3.02 trophy
Standard Heirloom Season 2 Championship trophy
Standard Heirloom 1.06 trophy
Standard Heirloom 1.04 trophy
Classic Heirloom 1.01 trophy