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Player Profile

Rating: 1704
Matches Played: 650
Record: 376-274
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (100%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Saturdays (26%)
Last Active:
(APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.12)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC + 2] Eastern European Time, Central African Time
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PD 33 Sacritor Yorzhov - Coup edit 18-9 1st 1st t4
PD 33 Blessed Pirates 23-11 1st 2nd t4 t4 t8
PD 29Lurrus Machines 10-2 1st 2nd
PD 34 White angels 12-5 1st 2nd
PD19 Hero of Orzhov 12-7 1st t8
Slipnought 5-1 1st
PD26 Heroless 5-2 1st
PD 36 GW Auras 5-1 1st
PD 33 Azorius Tempo 5-1 1st
PD 33 Meta Yorzhov 7-3 1st
PD 36 The Rock 8-3 1st
PD 36 Sheltered Humans 7-2 1st
PD 33 Miner Bombardment 8-6 1st
PD 33 UW Control 8-4 2nd 2nd
PD 33 It looks like Dwayne Johnson 8-5 2nd t4
PD 33 Izzet Pirates 7-4 2nd t4
PD 36 UW Soldiers 7-4 2nd t4
PD 36 Izzet Control 2-1 2nd
PD 36 UR Pirates 2-1 2nd
Unclassified 3-3 2nd
PD 33 Rats 3-3 2nd
PD 32 Mankind United 5-1 2nd
PD 32 Mardu Rokiric 5-1 2nd
PD 33 Azorion V2 4-2 2nd
PD 35 UW Tempo 3-3 2nd
PD19 RDW 7-4 2nd
PD26 Esper Delver 6-4 2nd
Dimir Storm 12-7 t4 t4
PD 33 Monoblue 3-2 t4
PD 33 Cats 4-2 t4
Shard of Paradise 4-1 t4
PD 33 Greasefang 3-2 t4
PD 34 Flashmob 3-2 t4
PD30 UW Control 4-2 t4
PD 33 Boros Humans 4-2 t4
PD 33 Boros Equipment Legends 3-2 t4
PD 35 W Tempo 4-1 t4
PD 36 MonoW Spiritdancer 5-4 t4
PD 33 Scales 6-3 t4
Anti -wgd Delver 4-4 t4
PD 33 Orzhov Greasefang 4-3 t4
Dimir Control 4-6 t4
PD 34 Abzan Blink (with a kaya) 2-3 t8
PD30 Do we need a hero 4-1 t8
PD 26 Slipnought 3-2 t8
PD 33 Taragones 2-3 t8
PD 26 Junk Pile 3-2 t8
PD 34 Boros Spiritdancer 4-1 t8
PD 34 Solar Flare 4-5 t8
PD 33 Glimpse 8-6 t8
1st 14
2nd 18
t4 22
t8 10
Coupoutous has not earned any trophies.