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Player Profile

Rating: 1519
Matches Played: 652
Record: 273-379
Favorite Format: Classic Pauper (87%)
Favorite Series: Pauper Classic Tuesdays (86%)
Last Active:
(Pauper Classic Tuesdays 8.21)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time ( Default Time)
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Ponza 12-9 1st t8 t8
R Humans v1.1 4-1 1st
Bogles v1.2 Phoenix ^_^ 7-2 1st
R Humans 11-4 2nd t4
Bogles doing Bogle-y things 4-3 2nd
Orzhov Artifacts 2-3 2nd
PD Goblins Combo 4-2 2nd
Glitters Owls 3-3 2nd
RB Infect 4-2 2nd
U FAE 9-6 2nd
Bogles 7-7 t4 t4
Dimir Terror v1.1 5-3 t4 t8
Saiba Cryptobogles 5-5 t4 t8
Boros Answers 8-7 t4 t8
UB Control 2-2 t4
Artifacts. Ninjas. What's not to love? 3-3 t4
Esper Dredge 0-4 t4
Simic Fae (22) 3-3 t4
WBR 1.01 4-2 t4
It's rampylike? :P 2-3 t4
Liquidate 3-2 t4
PD No ETB 3-2 t4
B v0.2 3-2 t4
Big Red 3-2 t4
Glamour 4-2 t4
Azorius declares war on Rakdos 4-2 t4
Simic Fae 2.0 4-6 t4
Tron 4-6 t8 t8
Multicolour Hexproof 3-2 t8
Boros 2-2 t8
Walls 2-3 t8
BR Fiend 3-2 t8
Many Sticks 3-2 t8
R Humans v1.2 2-3 t8
Bird Sisters 3-2 t8
Of One Mind 1-3 t8
Goblin Burn 3-2 t8
B 2-3 t8
Tron Ux - RAINBOW! 2-3 t8
Gary 2-3 t8
Timmy would be pleased :P 2-3 t8
W-R FIEND (22) 3-2 t8
B Rats Tribal 2-2 t8
Kuldotha 2-3 t8
Artifacts of House Dimir 2-3 t8
Infect 2-2 t8
Big ''Timmy'' Ramp 1-3 t8
Elves gone Fishing 2-3 t8
Bogle Homebrew 3-2 t8
Tron Fangren 2-3 t8
Dimir Cheaty 1-3 t8
WBR Gates 1-3 t8
WB Midrange 2-2 t8
Izzet Control? Yes it is! ^_^ 2-3 t8
PAW Gates (WG Weenie) 2-3 t8
W-B Value 5-4 t8
Black Aggro 4-5 t8
1st 3
2nd 7
t4 19
t8 37
MightyPhoenix has not earned any trophies.