Player Lookup:
Player Profile
Rating: 1871
Matches Played: 1233
Record: 752-481
Events Hosted: 24
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (95%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Saturdays (20%)
Last Active: May 4, 2024 (Penny Dreadful Season 33 Kick Off)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time ( Default Time)
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Worldgorger Storm 33-15        
Storm 31-17     
MBR 50-26          
S16 Storm 41-27        
Grixis Haups 18-5    
Turbo DragonCrank 16-5   
Izzet Storm 11-2  
Jeskai Jeskai Ascendancy 15-4   
Big Red 25-14   
dredge 14-12   
Cycling 10-2  
Jeskai Jeskai 10-2  
Quest for the holy relic 18-16   
GB varolznought 10-4  
Vilis Storm 9-2  
Surprise 5-1 
GW Parallax Wave 3-0 
Garbage Fire 6-1 
Supervillain 5-1 
Oops all scams 6-1 
Jeskai 4-2 
Dark Ritual haups 6-1 
Bad Deck 6-1 
Worldgorger Storm (2) 6-1 
Rakdos Bad Cards 8-1 
Necropotence 5-4  
Necrotic Ooze 21-11    
UW Blink 16-8   
4 color WGD 8-5  
Wave Blink 21-15    
Braindead 2-1 
Parallax Wave 2-1 
Bad Deck Loses 6-1 
Mono Black Necropotence 3-2 
:circus_tent: 8-2 
Slipnought 3-3 
Varoozelz 5-2 
cards directly to garbage can 5-2 
:crying_cat_face: 5-2 
Banlist Update 5-1 
Should I be playing shriekhorn? 4-2 
Turn 1 memes 5-2 
Buried alive 5-2 
UW wave 5-4 
Gruul Humans 7-7  
WGD dino varolz 10-7  
Orzhov Midrange 7-3  
S17 Zombies 10-5  
Reanimator (2) 14-12  
S15 Storm 3-2 
Relic Barrier 3-2 
Sultai WGD 4-2 
Greed Pile 9000 5-2 
:mouse_trap: 3-2 
S17 Quest for the holy relic 3-2 
Set Phasers to Kill 4-2 
Nevermaker Wave 5-2 
Necrotic Ooze Combo 4-2 
Zirda Haups 4-1 
Krenko Rakdos 5-4 
RB aristocrats 4-3 
Boring Normal Storm 5-4 
RB midrange 8-5 
Reanimator 18-23 
Swans 3-2 
S17 Big Red 3-2 
Mono Blue Dreadnaught 3-2 
Bant Benefaction 2-3 
Magic is a hard game 5-1 
Dimir Worldgorger 3-2 
Dimir Ooze 4-1 
:black_cat: 3-2 
Esper Snow Wave 4-2 
Cards ---->> Garbage 3-2 
Hero of Precinct One 3-2 
Channel Robots 2-3 
Rat Vat 3-2 
"Scavenging" ooze 3-2 
ooze 4-1 
Channel Nightmare 2-3 
Garbagepost 3-3 
Orzhov 5-6 
Murpady has not earned any trophies.