Player Lookup

Player Profile

Rating: 1800
Matches Played: 781
Record: 541-239-1
Events Hosted: 135
Favorite Format: PreModern (92%)
Favorite Series: Pre-Modern Monthly League (85%)
Last Active:
(Premodern Challenge Januray 2025)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC + 2] Eastern European Time, Central African Time
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Paulmaster 49-27 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd t4 t4 t4 t4 t8 t8 t8
Terrageddon 16-6 1st 2nd t4 t8
Parfait 8-2 1st t4 t8
Parallax Replenish 18-5 1st t8 t8
The Solution 4-1 1st
Survival Tradewind 5-0 1st
Iron Burn 5-0 1st
Survival 4-0-1 1st
Oath_Prison_Playoffs 4-0 1st
UW Control 5-0 1st
Gobbos 4-0 1st
Mono U Dreadnaught 3-2 1st
GW Combo-Control 5-0 1st
Stiflenought UW 4-0 1st
U Tide 4-0 1st
Landstill 4-0 1st
Great Combo 6-2 1st
Survival Rock 4-1 1st
Gro-A-Tog 5-1 1st
Parfait Oath 4-2 2nd t4
The Rock 11-7 2nd t8
Terrageddon_EOI123 3-1 2nd
Oathclysm 3-1 2nd
TerraOath 6-0 2nd
MBC 4-1 2nd
Oath 2-1 2nd
Tide Control 2-1 2nd
BGRUW Unclassified 5-0 2nd
Maverick 3-2 2nd
Elves 11-5 2nd
U Unclassified 8-3 2nd
Enchantress 15-7 t4 t8 t8
Goblins 8-5 t4 t8
Threshgeddon 4-1 t4
PM_Parfait_Oath_TMOS_Finals2 2-2 t4
GR Unclassified 5-2 t4
W Control 2-1 t4
Oath Pyrostatic 3-2 t4
Tecno Elves 5-0 t4
Mono U Stiflenought 2-1 t4
Trevageddon 1-1 t4
Angry Hermit 5-0 t4
Survival Elves 4-3 t4
TMOS June Enchantress Wave 5-1 t4
Burn_Nov_Playoffs_2 2-1 t4
PM Stasis TMOS 4-1 t4
Enchantress_Wave_2_-_Seasonal_2 2-1 t4
TMOS_Nov_1_-_Mono_Blue 3-2 t4
Bant 3-2 t4
Dreadstill 1-0 t4
Merfolks 3-1 t4
Terrageddon 5c 8-3 t4
UW Flippi 5-2 t4
Survival Welder 7-5 t4
Stiflenought u 9-2 t4
RU Unclassified 8-7 t8 t8
Devourer 12-6 t8 t8
Parfait Oath TMOS Champion 0-1 t8
Unclassified 1-1 t8
Enchant 1-1 t8
Trix 1-2 t8
Replenish 1-1 t8
Raging Glaciers 3-2 t8
The Solution TMOS May 4-2 t8
UW Unclassified 4-3 t8
Ponza Oath 0-1 t8
MWC 5-1 t8
GAT 0-1 t8
Andradeck 2-3 t8
Zombie tax 4-1 t8
Thresgeddon 5-2 t8
Pit Rack 5-5 t8
1st 19
2nd 17
t4 31
t8 30
MOS Premodern Gauntlet 2 trophy