Player Lookup:
Player Profile
Rating: 1647
Matches Played: 1432
Record: 723-699-1
Events Hosted: 945
Favorite Format: Modern (31%)
Favorite Series: Tribal Apocalypse (61%)
Last Active: December 30, 2023 (Tribal Apocalypse 13.49)
Email: [email protected] (Publicly Viewable)
Time Zone: [UTC + 1] Central European Time, West African Time
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Nylea's Hunt 20-15      
Killer Pod 8-0  
Werewolves of Ulvenwald 11-5  
Pod of Heaven 14-13   
Bant Pod 11-6     
Selvala's Excellent Adventure 3-0 
Nissa Triumphant 3-0 
Necrotic Pod 4-0 
Trading Post 4-0 
Reanimator 3-1 
Colossal Rot 3-0 
Nissa Tribal 3-0 
Prophetic Surge 4-0 
Troll Feast 3-0 
All Shape of Wars 3-0 
Hornet Bomb 6-1 
The Living Gods 6-1 
Dragonhammer 5-2 
Commander Kamahl 5-1 
Eternal Command 7-6 
Friends to Wolves 6-1 
The Company of Wolves 6-3 
Sachi's Summons 7-7 
Twenty-Horse Town 11-3 
Noblesse Oblige 14-8 
Moving Garden 11-8 
Strategic Barriers 8-7  
Draco Ex Machina 10-6  
Pod of Hell 14-11    
Obliterator Rocks 5-3  
Golgari Orders 6-4   
Jund Pod 9-4   
Liliana's Swarm 3-1 
Snowbeasts 3-1 
Pod of Mirrors 3-1 
Obscure Worship 4-5 
Fiery Beasts 5-2 
Abzan Pod 7-4 
Vedalken Post 9-4 
Pod of the Forge 7-5 
Hammertime 5-10 
Green and Mean 11-14 
Obliterator Rock 4-2  
Vraska Rock 3-1 
GW Thrun 3-1 
Venser Control 2-1 
Golgari Rock 5-3 
Big Red 3-1 
Chandra 5-3 
Rhonas's Hunt 1-2 
Thrun 7-5 
Eldritch Angels 4-4 
Ground Command 8-8 
Big Green 5-3  
The Demonic Crossroad 0-1 
Selesnya Population 2-1 
G Tron 2-2 
Scapeshift Tron 3-1 
The Ghost Council 1-1 
Blood Pod 1-1 
Golgari Unrest 2-2 
Tooth Ramp 2-2 
Selesnya Rock 2-4 
Surviving Nightmare 9-4-2 
Golgari Obliteration 3-4 
Simic Pod 3-5