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Player Profile
Rating: 1717
Matches Played: 1512
Record: 949-562-1
Events Hosted: 669
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (97%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Sundays (35%)
Last Active: July 18, 2024 (Penny Dreadful Thursdays 33.12)
Email: [email protected] (Publicly Viewable)
Time Zone: [UTC] Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time
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Mono B Aristocrats 54-16         
Necro Control 41-17        
Orzhov Aristocrats 37-15      
Court Hussar Drake 20-9     
Reanimator 33-14       
Metal Dreams 27-13     
Temur Reclamation 21-8    
Mono White Heroic 16-10    
UB Mid 20-6     
Jund Grenzo 20-13    
Izzet Small Ball 14-7  
Mono Black Aggro 14-10   
Mono U Gush 17-14   
Devastating Dreams 18-10   
Izzet Aggro-Control 21-9    
Golgari Dreadnought 13-8  
Aggro Hymn 12-6  
Expressive Swans 12-7  
Izzet Aggro 15-8  
Dragoncrank 13-5  
Swans Control 17-5   
One Drop Red 6-0 
Lat Nam's Dragoncrank 6-1 
UW Wave 7-0 
Mono B Sac 5-0-1 
Grixis Reanimator 6-1 
Spiritdancing 5-0 
Hellion Whip 5-1 
UB Delver 3-0 
Goblins 7-3 
8 Goyf 22-16     
Dimir Shadow 33-18    
Suicide Black 9-3  
Ominous Reclamation 10-4  
UB Reanimator 12-4   
Dark and Stormy 5-2 
Mono Black Aristocrats 2-1 
Hardened Nexus 4-1 
Escape Control (24) 4-2 
Abzan Aristocrats 7-5 
Rakdos Aristocrats 8-4 
Card Advantage White 7-8 
Gond Combo 9-5  
Box of Chocolates 6-5  
Rakdos Reanimator 9-6  
Genesis Aristocrats 11-6  
Mono B Sac III 2-2 
Esper Reanimator 3-3 
Azorius Flash 4-1 
Rofellos Optional 3-3 
Snowko 5-1 
Gruul Aggro 3-2 
Pyromancer Storm 3-3 
Izzet Drake 3-3 
Grixis Aggro-Control 5-1 
Seething Song 3-3 
UG Infect 6-1 
Turbo Myth 4-2 
Death and Taxes 4-2 
Ooze 5-1 
BR Aggro 3-2 
Blue Wall 5-3 
GB Aristocrats 4-3 
WB Aristocrats 6-5 
Azorius Control 6-6 
Buried Alive 7-3 
Melira Aristocrats 5-5 
The Rakdos Answer 5-4 
Red Deck Wins 5-4 
Mono Red Prowess 6-5 
Token Rites 11-7 
GW Value Town 5-4  
Displacer Nightmare 3-2 
Wave Blink 3-2 
Psychotom Bakertog 3-2 
Last One Standing 2-3 
Wave Aristocrats 3-2 
Mono B Sac II 3-2 
Mono Blue Tron 5-3 
BW Mid 3-2 
GW Unclassified 3-2 
Otter Rock 2-3 
Jund 3-2 
Bant Field 3-2 
Grenzo Aristocrats 3-2 
Junk Rites 3-2 
Mono Black Graveyard 4-1 
Turbo Dragon 2-2 
Dimir Reanimator 3-2 
Azorius Humans 5-2 
TarmoSwans 3-2 
Cycling Ooze 4-1 
Energy Aggro-Control 4-5 
Melira Traverse 9-6 
bakert99 has not earned any trophies.