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Player Profile
Rating: 1725
Matches Played: 2208
Record: 1362-844-1
Events Hosted: 69
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (98%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Sundays (42%)
Last Active: March 10, 2024 (Penny Dreadful Sundays 32.04)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 6] Central Standard Time
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UW Control 69-30-1          
posts 34-7       
ug madness 36-15       
zyxus special 29-8     
tide 31-8      
quick tide 19-2   
splinter twin 22-12   
storm 21-12    
orzhov hushnought 12-0  
orzhov legendary 20-13    
elves 26-18    
esper wave 13-1  
bluposts 15-5  
elvish mantle 11-2  
mono white midrange 10-5  
simic vat 18-5    
ad memeam 9-3  
u tempo 15-5  
dimir cards 18-10     
hushnought with more memes 5-1 
snowave 7-1 
pd 7 - jund monsters 5-2 
Soldier Stompy 7-0 
esper allies 4-1 
8walla 6-1 
pd 11 - ug madness 5-1 
mono u delver 6-1 
dredge v2 6-1 
PD 18 - posts 6-0 
mono green control 8-3 
Jokulhaups 10-7 
hushnought 9-6 
snowave 23-13  
rdw 21-14   
toxic nexus loops 15-7   
uwu control 15-7   
abzan hero 17-11   
allies 9-4  
selesnya slide 11-4  
ooze 12-3  
Rootwalla Hermit 11-6   
Jund 6-1 
tempered steel 5-2 
esper dragons 5-2 
PD 25 - uw control 4-2 
tide bog 4-2 
ulvenwald smokestack 5-2 
ephemerate 5-2 
Druid's Vengeance 5-2 
Mardu Dark Dwellers 5-1 
the notorious RDW 6-1 
affinity 9-4 
rakdos double dragon 7-4 
sultai druid 7-3 
mind's desire 9-6 
toothpost 8-8 
White Weenie 14-8  
BW Sewer 13-7   
dredge 15-7   
solar flare 7-4  
hello darkness my old friend 9-2  
orzhov braids 7-4  
infect 7-4  
posts with claws 4-2 
you ooze you lose 4-1 
mono white 5-1 
PD 27 - white weenie 4-2 
abzan kill 4-1 
Emeria Glare 4-2 
dredgin 4-2 
GoblinCompany 3-3 
bw aristos 2-3 
landfall 3-2 
bant ephemerate 5-1 
azorius aggro 4-2 
mono w heroic 5-1 
orzhov rising 3-2 
grixis gaming 3-2 
this still free? 4-1 
Atarka Company 4-2 
4 color aggro 4-2 
mardu historic 4-2 
pd 9 - yosei pull 5-1 
netdecking murp :see_no_evil: 5-1 
izzet blitz 5-1 
ready to roll some dice 2-2 
cryptokruphix 4-2 
jund em out 3-2 
surely still a villain deck 4-2 
>pieces of the puzzle gamers 2-1 
meme so i can go eat dinner quick 5-2 
Nightmare Golgari 3-2 
pd 7 - allies 4-2 
Cats 4-2 
UG Merfolk 4-2 
rally allies 4-2 
PD 15 - selesnya slide 3-2 
idk 3-2 
Jund Druid 4-3 
Mono G 4-2 
earterms sucks 5-1 
jeskai control 5-2 
swans 5-5 
Simic Madness 4-4 
tide 4-2 
Curses 6-6 
abzan aristocrats 8-6 
sultai value 7-3  
JAC 5-5  
Golgari Aristocrats 4-1 
red deck wins 3-2 
dragonstorm 2-3 
jeskai glaciers 3-2 
mono red 2-3 
gruul stompy 2-3 
mono white hanweir 2-3 
bant ephemerate 4-2 
Bogles 3-2 
simic mimic 3-2 
Mardudes 3-2 
Diminshing Storm 2-2-1 
the greg hatch special 3-2 
this deck still exists 4-1 
W Unclassified 3-2 
hypergenesis 2-3 
PD 13 - ug madness 3-2 
PD 27 - toothpost 4-1 
flameshadow conjuring 3-2 
ur spellheart 3-2 
Dimir Cards 2-3 
Emeria Glare v2 3-2 
temur pandemonium 3-2 
scam or get scammed 3-2 
pandeburst 3-2 
loses to everything 3-2 
bluposts 2-3 
Chasing Lightning 4-1 
Abzan Legends 2-3 
ug madness 3-2 
Thunderclap 4-1 
mono blue nonsense 4-1 
Human Nightmare 4-1 
abzan bad cards 3-2 
empath post 3-2 
Goblins 4-2 
azorius wave 3-2 
selesnya ponza 3-2 
wake control 4-3 
ally excavation 5-3 
boros feather 5-5 
humans 3-4 
mardu changeling 5-4 
death cloud 7-5 
Stompy 6-7