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Player Profile

Rating: 1681
Matches Played: 625
Record: 364-261
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (98%)
Favorite Series: APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays (33%)
Last Active:
(APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 36.05)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 8] Pacific Standard Time
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oops all spells 12-4 1st 1st
Unplayable Garbage 18-13 1st 2nd t8 t8
remaking heroic but hopefully less sucky 7-3 1st 2nd
Heroic 12-5 1st 2nd
depravity 9-7 1st t4 t4
mana leak > lose focus 5-3 1st t8
dubious challenge 5-1 1st
Turbo-Spy 3-0 1st
oops all cope 9-1 1st
2 prisms 5-2 1st
a bunch of one drops and a dream 6-1 1st
New Deck9 5-1 1st
healers hawk abuse needs to stop 6-1 1st
supervillain 5-1 1st
UW control 6-1 1st
a stack of 1-drops and a dream 7-2 1st
Adventure-Possibility-V2 5-3 1st
Oops-All-Spells 6-3 1st
Shrek 2 Aggro 15-4 2nd t4 t4
Omelete 5-3 2nd t4
Heroic Aggro 12-8 2nd t8 t8
gah 5-2 2nd
the answer 4-2 2nd
The Villain returns 5-2 2nd
bridge jac 4-2 2nd
Cant beat haups 2-1 2nd
cdnewlon, probably 4-2 2nd
pain 4-2 2nd
noughtoops 3-2 2nd
Heroic v6 5-2 2nd
S23 Heroic 3-2 2nd
red deck wins 2-2 2nd
Ad-Swanseam-1 9-5 t4 t8
standing here, i realize 2-2 t4
"Strictly Optimal" 4-2 t4
esper control, you may call me coax 3-2 t4
New Deck7 3-2 t4
we are going to ram our head into a wall 2-2 t4
piracy charm op 3-1 t4
best deck in the format 4-1 t4
insert deck name here 2-2 t4
The date is Sep 25, 2021 4-1 t4
deftblade elite sucks 4-2 t4
allies 5-3 t4
oops all swans 3-2 t8
teeter 3-2 t8
S22 Heroic 3-2 t8
br supervillain 3-2 t8
a heroic deck -) 3-2 t8
return of the king 3-2 t8
moritte of the frost 2-3 t8
cacophony scamp 3-2 t8
The Villain 4-1 t8
its a scam eat scam world out there 5-3 t8
24 oops 5-5 t8
MBR 9-5 t8
1st 19
2nd 17
t4 17
t8 18
datrobino has not earned any trophies.