Player Lookup

Player Profile

Rating: 1606
Matches Played: 645
Record: 307-338
Events Hosted: 40
Favorite Format: Modern (36%)
Favorite Series: Classic Heirloom (24%)
Last Active:
(Moderns Third)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC + 1] Central European Time, West African Time
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Tempered Quest 27-9 1st 1st t4 t4 t8
Gutter Scepter 7-4 1st t4
Junk Magic Box 18-13 1st t4
Infect Modern 1.2 4-0 1st
UB Control 8-6 2nd t4
Mono-green Infect 1.8 8-3 t4 t4 t4
Splinter Twin 14-12 t4 t8 t8 t8 t8
Mono-Green Infect 11-8 t4 t8 t8 t8
Mono-green Infect 1.7 4-0 2nd
Kurt Russel's Phalanx 3-1 2nd
MBV 4-2 2nd
Guttersniper 5-3 2nd
UR Delver 10-13 2nd
Chandra's Tea Party 2.0 5-6 t4 t8
Blue Selesbians 2-1 t4
Xmas Infect 3-1 t4
Krenko's Mob without the boss 2-2 t4
Rhys the Tokener 2-1 t4
MBC 1.1 3-1 t4
Bluefinity 2-1 t4
RedBurn 1.1 3-1 t4
Delver in the wind 3-2 t4
BUG Infect 1-3 t4
Obey Soldier ! 3-4 t4
Izzet Storm 3-4 t4
4C Magic Box 2-5 t4
Jund 3-5 t4
Death & Taxes Heirloom 4-4 t4
Budget Affinity 2-5 t4
GW Indestructible 5-6 t4
RG Aggro 4-3 t8 t8
Demigod of Jund 9-6 t8 t8
MBC 1.3 2-2 t8
Modern Weenie 2nd strike 2-2 t8
Infect Modern 2.0 3-1 t8
URW Control 1-1 t8
//°°°° I> Sky(Weenie) Fa 2-2 t8
Infect Modern 1.1 2-2 t8
Guttersniper 1.2 2-2 t8
RDW 8-6 t8
Chandra's Tea Party 2-1 t8
IDW 1-1 t8
Gruul Blitz 2-4 t8
Esper Flicker 6-10 t8
1st 5
2nd 6
t4 27
t8 25
SilverBlack 4.05 trophy
Where Angels Fear To Tread 1.33 trophy