Player Lookup

Player Profile

Rating: 0
Matches Played: 572
Record: 220-352
Favorite Format: Classic Heirloom (36%)
Favorite Series: Classic Heirloom (36%)
Last Active:
(Classic Heirloom 11.05)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time ( Default Time)
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Affinity 11-10 2nd t4 t4 t4
Eureka! 6-5 1st
Myr jank 5-2 2nd t4
MBC 16-21 2nd t4
Tinker 3-3 2nd t8
a terrible deck 1-1 2nd
Pure Myr 4-1 2nd
Hate the land 2-2 t4
Myrdrazi 3-2 t4
yep land hate 2-2 t4
Timmytog 2-2 t4
Simic 3-2 t4
GRW Unclassified 2-1 t4
Tempered Steel 3-3 t4
Infection 4-3 t4
BU Unclassified 4-2 t4
Wildfire 3-3 t4
All that hate 3-1 t4
Robots 6-5 t4
heirloom cruel 3-6 t4
Burning Eureka 7-6 t4
Budget Hate Brew 1-3 t8
More Hate Bears 1-2 t8
So Cruel 3-2 t8
Hatebears 4-6 t8
1st 1
2nd 6
t4 19
t8 5
gumgod has not earned any trophies.