Player Lookup

Player Profile

Rating: 1693
Matches Played: 344
Record: 212-132
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (90%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Sundays (25%)
Last Active:
(PK Standard 3.02)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC - 6] Central Standard Time
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Adam's ale 38-25 1st 2nd t4 t4 t8 t8 t8
Pollute the Planet 25-10 1st 2nd t4 t4 t8
Hyperwave - erburk 14-8 1st 2nd
Mardu Value 1.2 4-2 1st
Pollute the Planet V 1.2 7-0 1st
Full Frost Breakfast 1-0 1st
Pollute the Planet V 1.1 6-2 1st
Token-Rites 6-1 1st
4Color 2-1 2nd
RDW BOIZ 4 6-1 2nd
I copied the most degenerate looking pil 3-2 2nd
Pollute the Planet V 1.5 5-2 2nd
Hopefully I don't lose by clocking out 4-2 2nd
Pollute the Planet V 1.4 11-11 t8 t8 t8
Demonic Rising 4-2 t4
I'm a flithy NetDecker 2-1 t4
Psychatog V1.5 4-2 t4
5C Oct 27 5-1 t4
Dimir-Breakfast 2-1 t4
Mardu Value 1.1 3-3 t4
Hyperwave 4-2 t4
Mono black Demon Plates 2-3 t8
Zero Win Con Control 3-2 t8
Pollute the Planet V 1.5 More GY Hate 3-2 t8
Psychatog V1.4 3-2 t8
Mono Equipment 1.5 3-2 t8
pixywing 4-1 t8
Token-Rites Let's Hit Stuff Edition 3-2 t8
Stolen Reanimator List 3-2 t8
Anti-RDW 4-1 t8
Pollute the Planet V 1.03 5-4 t8
Zombies 6-3 t8
1st 8
2nd 8
t4 11
t8 18
pixywing has not earned any trophies.