Player Lookup

Player Profile

Rating: 1739
Matches Played: 527
Record: 298-229
Favorite Format: Penny Dreadful (99%)
Favorite Series: Penny Dreadful Saturdays (45%)
Last Active:
(APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 35.06)
Email: [email protected]
(Publicly Viewable)
Time Zone: [UTC + 3] Moscow Standard Time, Eastern African Time
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Esper Midrange 12-5 1st t4 t8
Necro Control 3-0 1st
Unplayable Garbage 6-0 1st
Big Red 3: Commanding Drift 5-1 1st
Forager Storm 5-1 1st
wow this is a significantly less greedy list than normal | which considering how greedy it is is kinda impressive 5-1 1st
Abzan Reaniwave 6-1 1st
Christmas Gift 5-1 1st
Zombies 4-3 1st
Mono-Green Midrange 3-2 2nd
Timeless Looting 5 5-1 2nd
Esper Tezzeret 4-2 2nd
Surgery 5-2 2nd
Dancing on the Looting's Grave 5-2 2nd
Incubation 4-2 2nd
Against the Channel 2-1 2nd
Dimir Midrange 5-2 2nd
Speedtest 3-2 2nd
Heron's Grace is the peoples champ 4-2 2nd
Watchers of the Life 6-4 2nd
Twinflame Blue 6-4 2nd
Dragon Nightmare 3-2 t4
Michiko OP 3-2 t4
Yoink 5-1 t4
Esper Despair 3-2 t4
More Drakes 3-1 t4
Ferrous White Jund 4-2 t4
TS 4-1 t4
Humans 4-2 t4
Yorion's Undead Executors 3-2 t4
Fair Swans 2-3 t4
I am back bitches 5-3 t4
Reclastorm 2 4-2 t4
Reaniwave III 3-3 t4
Zombies Again 3-3 t4
Five Color Hero 4-4 t4
Bard Class 6-2 t4
Mardudes 3-3 t4
Blue Inferno 4-4 t4
Drakes 5 4-1 t8
The Rofellos Train 2-3 t8
Civilization 3-2 t8
Harvest Pyre Gaming 3-2 t8
1st 9
2nd 12
t4 19
t8 5
wizzerinus has not earned any trophies.