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Ratings current through 2024-05-13 - Penny Dreadful Mondays 33.03

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
701 raggar666 1626 33  - 35
702 Lmayo 1626 33  - 28
703 topdeckboltftw 1626 103  - 107
704 BaraldsBR 1625 123  - 111
705 POLAKOWALSKI 1625 28  - 24
706 AugustoBarbosa 1625 15  - 13
707 lorthsOne 1625 17  - 14
708 RaoniOchoa 1625 17  - 17
709 BillieJK 1625 20  - 23
710 kpringle 1625 23  - 19
711 jcknox 1624 26  - 21
712 Quiritim 1624 651  - 695
713 The_Sable 1623 21  - 22
714 martinezmtg 1623 17  - 15
715 fish_can_topdeck 1623 20  - 20
716 matiaskm 1623 26  - 27
717 morpphling 1623 129  - 117
718 ShikoShk 1623 14  - 12
719 finkle-einhorn 1623 14  - 12
720 asetter21 1623 16  - 14
721 PurpurPhönix 1623 31  - 25
722 Sami8s 1623 82  - 84
723 Jadis 1622 19  - 11
724 KITTEH 1622 28  - 26
725 kidwitthafro 1622 18  - 16