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Ratings current through 2024-05-16 - Penny Dreadful Thursdays 33.03

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
751 Red_Demon3 1620 51  - 43
752 Quiritim 1620 653  - 698
753 reQQuiem 1619 10  - 10
754 Lian16 1619 31  - 40
755 sl0g0 1619 10  - 13
756 Phyrexian_Machinist 1619 137  - 213
757 JoshBonillas 1619 12  - 11
758 Cameroooni10 1619 11  - 11
759 hexalite 1619 14  - 13
760 Ssa00109 1619 24  - 28
761 Jasku 1619 28  - 36
762 harx 1619 78  - 92
763 Doqpelganger 1618 19  - 19
764 takeeacy 1618 23  - 22
765 djgnightwing 1618 14  - 14
766 ThalesBrazuca 1618 23  - 20
767 The mox inn 1618 12  - 9
768 Ilija 1618 21  - 20
769 AJ_Impy 1618 420  - 455
770 LeleGostosao 1618 12  - 10
771 itshubflower 1617 101  - 95
772 IronicGentleman 1617 47  - 43
773 lucasbochi 1617 14  - 16
774 V1NDHL3R 1617 19  - 18
775 BluStalker 1617 22  - 23