Deck Database

R1:  Loss 0-2 vs.  overbe1ng Boros Legends
R2:  Win 2-0 vs.  Hemmp Islands
R3:  Loss 0-2 vs.  Sacritor Flicker_Angels
R4:  Win 2-1 vs.  roboton Azorius Flash
b   29
w   2
g   1
Total:  32
1   x 6
2   x 14
3   x 11
4   x 5
Avg CMC:  2.42
Necro fran1 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.11 2-1
Necro is the place Matewosk Penny Dreadful Mondays 31.09 4-2
Necro is the place Matewosk APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.09 2-1
Necro is the place Matewosk Penny Dreadful Mondays 31.08 0-2
31-Midrange-Necro ToodlesDC Penny Dreadful Mondays 31.08 2-3
31-Midrange-Necro ToodlesDC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.08 3-1
Necro is the place Matewosk APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.08 2-1
31.midrange_necro ThyShuffler Penny Dreadful Saturdays 31.08 5-1
Necrose turbofanMTG Penny Dreadful Saturdays 31.08 1-3
Necro is the place Matewosk Penny Dreadful Thursdays 31.07 5-1
Necro is the place Matewosk Penny Dreadful Mondays 31.07 5-1
Necro fran1 APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.07 1-1
Necro is the place Matewosk APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.07 4-1
Necro fran1 Penny Dreadful Saturdays 31.07 4-2
31.midrange_necro ThyShuffler Penny Dreadful Saturdays 31.07 2-2
31.midrange_necro ThyShuffler Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.06 1-2-1
Necro is the place Matewosk APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 31.06 1-2
Deck - Necro Midrange TheAFKNacho Penny Dreadful Saturdays 31.06 2-1
Necro is the place Matewosk Penny Dreadful FNM 31.06 5-1
31.midrange_necro ThyShuffler Penny Dreadful FNM 31.06 4-1
Necro is the place Matewosk Penny Dreadful Thursdays 31.05 4-2
31.midrange_necro ThyShuffler Penny Dreadful Thursdays 31.05 2-2
31.midrange_necro ThyShuffler Penny Dreadful Mondays 31.05 5-1
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