Event Report

Pre-FIRE League 2.03
3 February 2025
Pre-FIRE · 18 Players
17 Decks
1 rounds League
Top 4 playoff
Hosted by  iron_lungs
Season Leaderboard
 Patskii Deck Colors Punishing Eldrazi
1st Deck Colors Punishing Eldrazi by  Patskii
2nd Deck Colors Slight 1.1 by  abarre
T4 Deck Colors Pre FIRE Jund Living End 1.1 by  BranniganLaw
T4 Deck Colors PreFire Shadow Grixis by  s.vome
Metagame Stats
Aggro 18%
Combo 12%
Aggro-Combo 12%
Aggro-Control 6%
Combo-Control 6%
Midrange 12%
Ramp 6%
Unclassified 29%
White mana symbol Blue mana symbol Black mana symbol Red mana symbol Green mana symbol
47% 41% 82% 71% 47%

Metagame Breakdown
Colors  3 Players
 s.vome 4-3 PreFire Shadow Grixis Aggro
 gambagool 1-1 grixis shadow Aggro-Control
 Maultaschkrieger 0-2 PreFireModern_GDS Aggro
Colors  2 Players
 Patskii 7-0 Punishing Eldrazi Unclassified
 roboton 3-3 Prefire Punishing Jund Unclassified
Colors  2 Players
 Max_A 2-4 29219627_mtgo Unclassified
 Thegg 3-3 pod mtgo Combo-Control
Colors  2 Players
 BranniganLaw 5-2 Pre FIRE Jund Living End 1.1 Combo
 MouthOSauron--AffinityForWinning 1-4 PreFire Living End Take 4 Unclassified
Colors  1 Players
 deadstar 0-2 torture rack Unclassified
Colors  1 Players
 Waffelz 1-0 Titanshift Ramp
Colors  1 Players
 iron_lungs 3-3 Dredge 2.1 Aggro-Combo
Colors  1 Players
 Paulmaster 1-5 Mill Combo
Colors  1 Players
 abarre 5-3 Slight 1.1 Aggro
Colors  1 Players
 i_b_TRUE_ 2-2 Mardu Pyromancer Midrange
Colors  1 Players
 SlowKing 0-0 Psychaclasym aggro Midrange
Colors  1 Players
 kevincostner 2-3 PF - Zombridge Returns Aggro-Combo

Current Standings

Pre-FIRE League 2.03
Rank Player Match Points OMW % PGW % OGW % Matches Played Byes
1  irelandking 15 0.479 0.714 0.494 5 0
2  BranniganLaw 15 0.443 0.688 0.454 6 0
3  abarre 12 0.499 0.533 0.501 6 0
4 s.vome 12 0.470 0.625 0.336 6 0
5  roboton 9 0.622 0.600 0.455 6 0
6  iron_lungs 9 0.538 0.571 0.458 6 0
7  Thegg 9 0.527 0.438 0.495 6 0
8  i_b_TRUE 6 0.583 0.556 0.505 4 0
9  kevincostner 6 0.533 0.417 0.512 5 0
10  Max_A 6 0.511 0.400 0.514 6 0
11  Paulmaster 3 0.667 0.389 0.566 6 0
12 MouthOSauron--AffinityForWinning 3 0.580 0.273 0.548 5 0
13  Waffelz 3 0.500 0.667 0.600 1 0
14  gambagool 3 0.500 0.400 0.563 2 0
15  deadstar 0 0.667 0.200 0.579 2 0
16  Maultaschkrieger 0 0.583 0.000 0.613 2 0
17 Bockaius 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
18 SlowKing 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0

Tiebreakers Explained

Players with the same number of match points are ranked based on three tiebreakers scores according to DCI rules. In order, they are:
OMW % is the average percentage of matches your opponents have won.
PGW % is the percentage of games you have won.
OGW % is the average percentage of games your opponents have won.
BYEs are not included when calculating standings. For example, a player with one BYE, one win, and one loss has a match win percentage of .50 rather than .66
When calculating standings, any opponent with less than a .33 win percentage is calculated as .33