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Ratings current through 2024-05-19 - APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 33.04

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
76 endless_nameless 1748 24  - 10
77 YourAverageIdiot 1747 145  - 142
78 BambooRush 1746 41  - 16
79 Wildhero 1745 229  - 161
80 Tygrak 1743 453  - 325
81 rando123 1743 164  - 99
82 Shadowater0 1742 734  - 517
83 Zzzian 1741 96  - 99
84 riojan13 1740 24  - 10
85 romellos 1740 242  - 163
86 apa19 1740 135  - 103
87 wizzerinus 1740 245  - 212
88 i_b_TRUE_ 1740 74  - 50
89 Socanelas 1739 104  - 62
90 bwangeroo 1736 35  - 16
91 Seulgi 1736 65  - 41
92 _mOjo 1736 108  - 65
93 OlleR 1736 46  - 22
94 Gilipolleces 1735 57  - 32
95 Farfishere 1735 84  - 39
96 Chiog33 1735 35  - 16
97 Huger 1734 44  - 26
98 ZAAAAMU 1734 77  - 49
99 MOCHET 1733 85  - 96
100 jonsnow214 1733 43  - 32