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Ratings current through 2024-05-19 - APAC Penny Dreadful Sundays 33.04

The highest Composite rating ever achieved is 1939, obtained by swiftwarkite2 on Sunday, March 14, 2021

Only players with 20 or more matches are included.
126 Pie_Master 1721 36  - 17
127 Gn42 1721 44  - 25
128 nunown 1720 28  - 15
129 minityhyi1 1719 23  - 13
130 Fadoodle 1719 77  - 62
131 ebonrat 1719 141  - 104
132 KimiKiri 1719 29  - 15
133 leviatanCL 1718 26  - 15
134 ethanolo 1718 20  - 8
135 blackhorrorghost 1718 77  - 64
136 SpicyChickens 1717 24  - 12
137 Bazaar of Baghdad 1717 86  - 45
138 DirtyDuck 1716 69  - 47
139 CoreShock 1716 47  - 31
140 NDuck 1716 185  - 159
141 Komle 1714 61  - 32
142 sadisteck 1714 207  - 176
143 Calpine 1714 107  - 74
144 VanillaAcou 1714 32  - 16
145 dracocards 1714 152  - 142
146 sirhhaos 1713 99  - 68
147 MTGLEW 1713 196  - 165
148 EightSixEightSix 1713 51  - 28
149 hluca 1713 76  - 46
150 shffl 1712 28  - 9