Event Report

Pre-Modern Monthly League 11.03
5 February 2024
PreModern · 77 Players
73 Decks
6 rounds League
Hosted by  iron_lungs
Season Leaderboard
 thekingslayer Deck Colors Goblins
1st Deck Colors Goblins by  thekingslayer
2nd Deck Colors TerraOath by  Paulmaster
T4 Deck Colors Fernando Gonzalez by  fer_magic
T4 Deck Colors Premodern - Terrageddon by  paradicsom_leves
T8 Deck Colors Gro-A-Tog 240205 by  Lannynyny
T8 Deck Colors Stasis by  ModernMagicEmporium
T8 Deck Colors Mid Cradles by  resmaster
T8 Deck Colors PM_GR_TerraOath by  ThyShuffler
Metagame Stats
Aggro 12%
Combo 8%
Control 16%
Aggro-Combo 5%
Aggro-Control 11%
Combo-Control 10%
Midrange 7%
Ramp 1%
Unclassified 29%
White mana symbol Blue mana symbol Black mana symbol Red mana symbol Green mana symbol
33% 36% 32% 49% 49%

Metagame Breakdown
Colors  13 Players
 thekingslayer 6-0 Goblins Unclassified
 Paulmaster 6-0 TerraOath Control
 resmaster 5-1 Mid Cradles Aggro-Combo
 ThyShuffler 5-1 PM_GR_TerraOath Unclassified
 Caustek 0-5 PM-Mono Green Beasts (Paper) Aggro
 droks 2-4 Goblins Aggro
 johnnyv 2-4 RG Oath Ponza PreModern Unclassified
 sacboy 3-3 Elves Aggro-Combo
 SimpLyaDream 1-2 gr Control
 Sinizter_6 0-0 Goblins Aggro
 thursdayisgo 0-2 Vore Oath Unclassified
 Tvtyrant 1-1 Premodern RG Oath Unclassified
 Yaco_ 1-2 Survival Welder Aggro-Control
Colors  11 Players
 fer_magic 5-1 Fernando Gonzalez Aggro
 BinarySoloist 4-2 Overload is the best card in Premodern Aggro
 boltthebird87 0-3 Sligh Aggro
 fayon 4-2 Plasma Sligh Aggro
 fpawlusz 2-4 Sligh Unclassified
 GosuCharlie 0-0 Darkview is the boss Aggro
 juanancas 0-2 Burn (5) Unclassified
 lanmi 4-2 PM Burn Aggro-Combo
 MrWolf2 2-3 Premodern Slight Unclassified
 popedeuce37 1-2 Sligh Aggro
 scota 4-2 burn Unclassified
Colors  6 Players
 EKGB 3-3 The Rock5_league Midrange
 lightslider 2-3 The Rock Midrange
 MrAlwaysWins 2-4 Dirty Deeds Unclassified
 phil3579 3-3 The Rock Control
 Rain 4-2 The Rock - and his millions Midrange
 RitualSinkhole 4-2 La Roche Control
Colors  6 Players
 Davekaplan 1-3 UW Stiflenought - Dec 2023 Aggro-Combo
 Fanaticbass 1-1 Counter rebels Control
 groggyMTG 2-1 Landstill Control
 hiqualityh2o 1-1 Stiflenought Combo-Control
 Roland-Deschain 1-5 StifleNought Unclassified
 Umeboshi 3-3 uw flippi 2.7.24 Unclassified
Colors  4 Players
 BobSacamano 4-2 Blue Nought Combo-Control
 landtax 0-5 Frantic Storm Combo
 PDeS 4-2 Dreadnought Combo
 wizardwand 0-0 PM U Unclassified
Colors  4 Players
 BeardedLoki 3-3 Psychonought Combo-Control
 EronRelentless 0-0 Doomsday Combo
 iron_lungs 2-4 Test Unclassified
 SoldierofFortune88 3-3 DoomsNought Combo
Colors  4 Players
 A_Webb 3-3 PM - Nether control Unclassified
 bahamito 1-5 Gamekeeper Control
 g_22 2-3 PM - Living Deed Guys v5 Combo-Control
 premodernkrekel 3-3 25141057_mtgo Unclassified
Colors  3 Players
 baronbounty 2-4 Cabal Control Control
 LordProphet 1-4 Rack Control
 Scramble 4-2 Pox Unclassified
Colors  3 Players
 paradicsom_leves 5-1 Premodern - Terrageddon Unclassified
 caiommalves 1-3 enchantress Combo-Control
 ruudmaarten 2-4 25127974_mtgo Unclassified
Colors  3 Players
 cyberpunker 3-0 Survival Madness Aggro-Control
 Kask 2-4 Survival Madness Aggro-Control
 Wings_Style_Spartan 0-1 Pre-Modern UGw Madness 2023-12 Aggro-Control
Colors  2 Players
 Demi 3-3 ATW Combo
 ThePharmacist 3-3 Madness Aggro-Control
Colors  2 Players
 i_b_TRUE_ 4-2 Devourer Combo Combo
 SteracOdPonorky 4-1 UR Stasis Combo-Control
Colors  2 Players
 empanadillahumana 2-3 Deadguy Ale copied Unclassified
 roboton 3-3 Playable Deadguy Ale Control
Colors  1 Players
 tel0 0-0 Deck - Mono-Black Ramp
Colors  1 Players
 cdsiny20 3-3 Stompy PreModern 2 Unclassified
Colors  1 Players
 Jefwhi3 0-1 Opposition Midrange
Colors  1 Players
 Ubichee 2-4 machinathe-machines-of-god-20240208-072750 Midrange
Colors  1 Players
 kaseydevine 3-3 MWC2 Control
Colors  1 Players
 michaelangio 2-4 Enchantress Combo-Control
Colors  1 Players
 ModernMagicEmporium 5-1 Stasis Control
Colors  1 Players
 Lannynyny 5-1 Gro-A-Tog 240205 Aggro-Control
Colors  1 Players
 Elendrile 2-4 Star Spangled Slaughter Aggro-Control
Colors  1 Players
 Kypraios 3-3 Four Color Black Aggro-Control

Current Standings

Pre-Modern Monthly League 11.03
Rank Player Match Points OMW % PGW % OGW % Matches Played Byes
1 thekingslayer 18 0.483 0.800 0.478 6 0
2  Paulmaster 18 0.416 0.857 0.389 6 0
3  fer_magic 15 0.472 0.667 0.498 6 0
4  paradicsom_leves 15 0.444 0.769 0.392 6 0
5 ModernMagicEmporium 15 0.438 0.846 0.379 6 0
6  resmasterr 15 0.427 0.786 0.415 6 0
7  ThyShuffler 15 0.427 0.733 0.414 6 0
8  Lannynyny 15 0.416 0.714 0.384 6 0
9  RitualSinkhole 12 0.638 0.643 0.575 6 0
10  VladSmiljanic 12 0.622 0.643 0.560 6 0
11  BinarySoloist 12 0.556 0.714 0.515 6 0
12  Scramble 12 0.538 0.571 0.493 6 0
13 Rain 12 0.520 0.563 0.397 6 0
14  LANMEE 12 0.499 0.643 0.455 6 0
15 scota 12 0.472 0.615 0.432 6 0
16  SteracOdPonorky 12 0.465 0.643 0.443 5 0
17  PDeS 12 0.456 0.625 0.474 6 0
18  i_b_TRUE 12 0.456 0.563 0.482 6 0
19  favila44 12 0.443 0.692 0.384 6 0
20 Kypraios 9 0.594 0.467 0.567 6 0
21  EKGB 9 0.555 0.467 0.519 6 0
22  kaseydevine 9 0.555 0.429 0.547 6 0
23  sacboy 9 0.528 0.571 0.491 6 0
24  Kuban 9 0.528 0.467 0.529 6 0
25  A_Webb 9 0.527 0.462 0.537 6 0
26  BeardedLoki 9 0.522 0.500 0.491 6 0
27  SoldierofFortune88 9 0.511 0.500 0.515 6 0
28  phil3579 9 0.511 0.429 0.500 6 0
29  roboton 9 0.499 0.500 0.489 6 0
30 Umeboshi 9 0.499 0.467 0.519 6 0
31 premodernkrekel 9 0.467 0.467 0.474 6 0
32  cdinsy20 9 0.444 0.500 0.423 6 0
33  ThePharmacist 9 0.443 0.571 0.372 6 0
34  cyberpunker 9 0.388 1.000 0.238 3 0
35  lightslider 6 0.699 0.417 0.605 5 0
36  Elendrile 6 0.694 0.429 0.618 6 0
37  Kask1 6 0.666 0.400 0.598 6 0
38  g_22 6 0.633 0.462 0.614 5 0
39  empanadillahumana 6 0.567 0.455 0.564 5 0
40  Droks 6 0.567 0.357 0.520 6 0
41  silvercomicscanada 6 0.556 0.385 0.551 6 0
42  baronbounty 6 0.528 0.333 0.555 6 0
43  groggyMTG 6 0.522 0.667 0.527 3 0
44  ruudmaarten 6 0.511 0.400 0.526 6 0
45  Ubichee 6 0.511 0.400 0.495 6 0
46  michaelangio 6 0.499 0.308 0.504 6 0
47  iron_lungs 6 0.472 0.357 0.452 6 0
48 MrWolf2 6 0.466 0.400 0.443 5 0
49 fpawlusz 6 0.444 0.500 0.432 6 0
50  MrAlwaysWins 6 0.444 0.333 0.467 6 0
51 popedeuce37 3 0.722 0.286 0.708 3 0
52  LordProphet 3 0.693 0.250 0.605 5 0
53 Roland-Deschain 3 0.611 0.286 0.563 6 0
54 hiqualityh2o 3 0.583 0.500 0.593 2 0
55  Toshiba1986 3 0.565 0.500 0.429 2 0
56  bahamito 3 0.556 0.214 0.531 6 0
57  Yaco_ 3 0.554 0.429 0.538 3 0
58  caiommalves 3 0.533 0.400 0.461 4 0
59  SimpLyaDream 3 0.500 0.429 0.475 3 0
60  tvtyrant 3 0.498 0.500 0.405 2 0
61  davekaplan 3 0.433 0.400 0.439 4 0
62 Wings_Style_Spartan 0 1.000 0.000 1.000 1 0
63 juanancas 0 0.833 0.000 0.808 2 0
64  Thursdayisgod 0 0.750 0.200 0.650 2 0
65  seba_wizard 0 0.700 0.167 0.621 5 0
66  boltthebird87 0 0.611 0.143 0.574 3 0
67  Caustek 0 0.580 0.167 0.579 5 0
68 Jefwhi3 0 0.500 0.000 0.571 1 0
69 Hart_ 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
70  EronRelentless 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
71  Oklahomigan 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
72 wizardwand 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
73 ebtluxury 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
74  tel0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
75  Ilcaster 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
76  GosuCharlie 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0
77 Sinizter_6 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0

Tiebreakers Explained

Players with the same number of match points are ranked based on three tiebreakers scores according to DCI rules. In order, they are:
OMW % is the average percentage of matches your opponents have won.
PGW % is the percentage of games you have won.
OGW % is the average percentage of games your opponents have won.
BYEs are not included when calculating standings. For example, a player with one BYE, one win, and one loss has a match win percentage of .50 rather than .66
When calculating standings, any opponent with less than a .33 win percentage is calculated as .33