Player Lookup
Player Profile
Bandit Keith
Rating: 1919
Matches Played: 1585
Record: 1049-525-1
Favorite Format: Legacy League (20%)
Favorite Series: Tribal Apocalypse (51%)
Last Active:
(Tribal Apocalypse 12.41)
Email: Admin Viewable Only
Time Zone: [UTC] Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time
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CommunityLegacy White Tax 47-24-4              
Modern Eldrazi White Tax 30-8           
CLL Death and Taxes 42-23             
Modern RW Burn 25-13       
CLL D&T 19-9    
Modern Atarka Burn 31-24       
CommunityLegacy RedBurn 21-16        
S100 Chainsaw WW 14-21   
VintageSwiss Red Burn 13-12    
CML Taxes 9-3  
Modern Green Burn 9-6  
Std Pauper Golgari 15-11   
BR?? BR?? BR90 Knights 3-0 
Just Like A Ninja: Invisible 3-0 
A Proper HatTrick Inception in Zurich 4-0 
Tribal Std 20 Soldiers, 20-Eit Creatures 4-0 
Rotten to the Kor 4-0 
Humans; Not Luxurious or Sleek 3-0 
Rogue One in 1667: A Tribal Wars Story 4-0 
Last Minute, Last Supper 3-0 
Stormfist Cru-traitors, Real Estate 4-0 
Serpents Among Us 4-0 
Tribal Normal Guy w/ Normal Deck 3-0 
Beware! Fire-Resistant Elves & F6 Wars! 4-0 
How Important I Could've Been to You 3-0 
Where Is My Mind? And Aether Vial 4-0 
Less ManaScrew, More SB's + 1-of's main 4-0 
Tribal Kscope Knights Who Say... Four? 3-0 
The 8th Deadly Sin: Success 4-0 
25 lands, so don't screw me 2x row again 4-0 
Ultimate ultimate again again 3-0 
Tribal Apoc Goblins Legacy 4-0 
The End of End? 3-0 
Std Tribal Goblins 3-0 
Temuti che Amati 3-0 
Hate in the Time of Corona 3-0 
MyShuffler: Tales of 0.04% Games 4-0 
A Streak Win for Every Stage Grief 4-0 
Tribal Modern Spirits 3-0 
Walked Out of the Mulligan Void 4-0 
Seasonal Hat-Trick Attempt for Hat-Trick 4-0 
Over the Clouds, Under the Rug 3-0 
Emotional Vampires 3-0 
BGRUW Human 4-0 
Tidal Waves Crashing in my Heart 3-0 
2 in 22 (0.03%), THEN 9 in 12 (0.93%) 4-0 
Tribal Singleton Goblin 4-0 
40 Years of Love 3-0 
kEitH jUsT wAnT 2 wiN. My Post 13-1 3-0 
Keith the Exhorter 3-0 
Tribal Apoc GOBLINZZ 3-0 
The Tribe of Tribal Spikes + Remarks 3-0 
The Zero-Sum Experience of Human 3-0 
If I'd play combo, I'd have it all too? 3-0 
CLL Soul Burn 4-0 
(10 Years) of Invisibility 3-0 
Folds to 2x SB K-Return or 3x Engineer 3-0 
Tribal Modern Sea Creatures of the 3rd D 4-0 
Wonder Twin Power, Activate... 3-0 
Prokeitheus, Bound & Rattlechained 3-0 
Keep Me Comatos3 3-0 
Fear of the Name & Radio Silence 3-0 
Tribal Human Hat-Trick? 3-0 
The Spirit of St. Sisyphus 4-0 
Keither and the Wolf 4-0 
Only A Change If It's Detrimental 3-0 
A Miserable May of Outrageous Misfortune 4-0 
Pacifist Goblins, But Conflict's in Soul 4-0 
In the Spirit of Giving 4-0 
CLL D&T - now with more 24 land screw! 4-0 
Divided We Stand, United We Fall 3-0 
Let them eat cardboard 3-0 
Last Year Repeat? Ok, R1 Bye Pls 3-0 
Std Tribal Soldiers of the Dual Cycle 3-0 
Frank Grimes, Infections & Reflections 3-0 
Shuffler Creation v Shuffler Destruction 3-0 
Gigantic Gag Order 3-0 
Treat Those Two Impostors Just the Same 4-0 
Tribal Two-Hatted Slivers? 3-0 
The 0.06% Psychology of Bandit Keith 4-0 
The Infamous Mana-Screwed Spirits! 3-0 
Multilateral Assured Destruction 4-0 
PennyDreadful Sunday RDW 6-0-1 
1 in 5,000 4-0 
10 More Events; 10 Fewer Years 3-0 
Lost R1, still only vs. undefeated decks 4-0 
Tribal Apoc Modern GOBLINZZ 4-0 
Were my aggro decks that vial? 4-0 
Tribal Apoc Goblins 6-1 
LegacyTribal Kithkin White 5-2 
Tribal Apoc Udog Berserkers 5-1 
Tribal Warriors - Is This Still Cursed? 5-1 
Modern Burn Meta Experiment 5-4 
Tribal Apoc Red Warriors 6-4 
C.Heirloom Red Elemental Burn 10-5 
CML Prowess 15-9   
Death and Taxes 10-6   
100 Singleton Red 11-18  
CML Spirits, ft. 4 new Apparitions! 7-5   
Pauper Green Stompy 8-4  
1 Utility Land > 4 Wastelands obv 3-1 
Winning is Losing 3-1 
The little green men, dipped in gold 3-1 
Foolish Consistencies, Little Minds 3-1 
Did Legacy Blue need a 2-card kill? 3-1 
Modern Burn Atarka's 2-1 
1 80: We Flew Too Close to the Flames 3-1 
Union Disassembly Inspired V2 3-1 
Supp. Field Allowed in PW Format? How? 3-1 
Wounds Are Ways To Reveal Us 3-1 
Yet Another <1%! Zero cascade, Top 25 3-1 
D & ST: Daylight Savings Troll 3-1 
Pauper Classic MBC 5-2 
No Mutants For Me. :( 3-1 
Misfortune May 2: Merfolked by RNG 3-1 
Last Rites for Statistical Harmony 3-1 
Momir Basic Holiday Event 5-1 
Last Hat-Trick try, 3 lands in 22 cards 3-1 
Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be! 3-1 
Tribal U-dog Berserking 2018 3-1 
Budget WW to Minimize Investment 3-1 
Elvish Presley 3-1 
Pauper ChampSeries WW 5-2 
CML Heliod Combo 3-1 
CML DST 5-3 
Tribal Apoc White Kithkin 7-6 
Underdog R-R-R-R-ATS! 10-10 
Modern W/R Burn 4-2  
PennyDreadful RDW 10-6-1  
PCT MBC 7-4  
CLL Burn 6-6  
Modern Burn Green Splash 2-1 
CLL DST 3-1 
60 card mulls, 80 cards OuaT opener 3-1 
PCT WW New Soldier 4-1-1 
Modern Eldrazi White Tax - Cursed? 2-1 
Modern Goblins 2-1 
CLL D&T-CascadeTibalt Twice Last Week 3-1 
Classic Heirloom Red Burn 3-2 
Less ManaScrew, More SB's + Runners 3-1 
CLL Burn. More Bad MU's Pls 3-1 
Modern Red Burn 2-1 
Final Season of Oko, Arcanist, Valki 3-1 
New CLL, D&T 4-4 
Pauper CS WW Soldier 3-1-1 
New S100? Test 0-2 
T1 OTP 1-of sb discard, T2 combo kill 2-2 
Warm Wishes to the Happy Couple 2-2